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2021 MPPI State Advocacy Conference
October 1-3, 2021
The 2021 MPPI State Advocacy Conference is the only national Montessori advocacy conference in the United States and is attended by the most influential Montessori leaders in the country. In addition, the event draws school administrators, heads of teacher education programs, and Montessori teachers and advocates from more than 30 states. The conference will be held on October 1-3 at Yours Truly Hotel in Washington, DC.
Your involvement as a sponsor of this event guarantees your exposure to these important decision makers, as well as MPPI’s growing social media following and broader network, which now includes over 1,500 individuals on their listserv and 2,300 Facebook followers.
Please review the various opportunities listed to the left to determine what will work best for you.
Sponsorships will off-set conference costs and provide scholarships to participants with financial barriers.
PLEASE NOTE: Complete the application, but do not pay for your sponsorship until you are notified of acceptance.
Cancellation Policy: Once you have been notified that your application has been approved, you are obligated to pay for your sponsorship, whether you cancel or not.
Questions? Please contact us at
Montessori Public Policy InitiativeA joint collaboration of the American Montessori Society and the Association Montessori International/USA