Independent schools are usually exempt from certain federal laws, unless they become recipients of federal financial assistance (FFA). Accepting PPP (or EIDL) loan funds constitutes receipt of FFA for the duration of the loan. Both Title IX and Section 504 require that your school designate a coordinator as part of compliance with these laws. Attorney Janice Gregerson will provide training for your school's coordinator(s) to assist them in understanding and carrying out their responsibilities to help ensure you are in compliance.
When: Wednesday, June 17th, 7:00 PM EST
Duration: One hour
Intended audience: Designated Section 504 and Title IX coordinators, school heads*
*Please note that in our earlier webinar in which attorney Connie Baker reviewed all of the federal law requirements of being a recipient of FFA, she suggested that the Head of School not be the coordinator for these programs. However, if as a head of school you wish to register to be more aware or because you have no other staff to cover these positions, you can.
For more comprehensive information on the 4 federal laws you will need to comply with, you can purchase the recording and slides from our webinar "What Are My School's Obligations."
Montessori Public Policy InitiativeA joint collaboration of the American Montessori Society and the Association Montessori International/USA